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期刊: | Acta Geologica Sinina, |
卷: | 9 |
期: | 2 |
页码: | 207-217 |
时间: | 1996 |
类型: | SCI |
作者: | Pujun Wang,Xiaodi Du,Jun Wang,Dongpo Wang |
摘要: | Isotopic ages of synsedimentary clay minerals were directly determined with the ultrasonicscattering-settlement separation-K-Ar dilution technique. The apparent age of black mudstoneis 123 Ma for the Quantou Formation, 111.9-89.0 Ma for the Qingshankou Formation and77.6-76.8 Ma for the upper part of the Nenjiang Formation. The Rb-Sr isochrone age of themuddy limestone-mudstone sequence of the lower part of the Nenjiang Formation is 81 Ma andthat of the muddy evaporite of the middle part of the Quantou Formation is 122.2 Ma. On thebasis of the above isotopic ages, the authors propose a modified scheme of stratigraphic classifi-cation of the Cretaceous of the Songliao basin. |