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A unique research method of the outcrop sequence stratigraphy : an example from the Silurian section in YinGan village,KePing,XinJing.

A unique research method of the outcrop sequence stratigraphy : an example from the Silurian section in YinGan village,KePing,XinJing.

Journal: The editorial board for sedimentary facies and palaeogeography
Author:Wanzhu Liu,Xiaodi Du,Pujun Wang
Sequence stratigraphic principles can be applied to the study of all outcrops,especially those near the depositional shoreline break where the sea-level changes can be sensitively recorded.In this paper,the authors have summarized a unique method,i.e.”laterally tracing,multioutcrop correlation and regionally detailed mapping” which is especially applicable to the spot outcrop study.As an example of this method,the Silurian outcrops from Yingan Village,Keping,Xinjiang are described,and the result of the study of sea-level changes are also presented.

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