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Prof. Dr. Pujun Wang - Petrorevol

Prof. Dr. Pujun Wang
Address:College of Earth Sciences, Jilin University
Jianshe Str.2199 (Pigeon Building)
Jilin Province in northeast China
Geographic coordinate N 43°52’43.35”,  E125°17’26.28”
Elevation 254 m
Office Telephone:/Fax 0086-431-88502620
Description Interests Awards Publication Project


Pujun Wang: male, born in 1959 in Heilongjiang of NE China. He obtained his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D degrees in geosciences at Jilin University in 1982, 1989, and 1994. He stayed at Tübingen University in Germany as a research fellow at AvH Foundation in 1999 to 2000 by Prof. G. Einsele and M. Satir with emphasizing on volcanic and transgression events. He has gotten a professional position since 1982 and became a full professor in 1996 at Jilin University. Since then, he has focused his research on sedimentary basins especially on the volcanic reservoirs and event deposits of China. He has devoted much of his time to ICDP Cretaceous scientific drilling in the Songliao Basin since 2005 as the geologist in chief. He has published more than 100 papers and 5 books on the research of sedimentary basins especially the Songliao Basin in both Chinese and English journals such as AAPG Bulletin, Earth-Science Reviews, Int J Earth Sci, and Acta Geol Sin.

Prof. Dr. Pujun Wang is on the ICDP drilling site
Prof. Dr. Pujun Wang is working in laboratory
Prof. Dr. Pujun Wang is working in the field


(1) Sedimentary basin and oil & gas geology;
(2) Volcanic rock reservoirs and their oil & gas reservoirs;
(3) Event sedimentology;
(4) Changbai Mountain volcanic geology and disasters.


He has won 13 provincial and ministerial science and technology awards, and 7 representative academic awards in recent years:
Award 1:"Theory and Application of Volcanic Reservoir Geology in Songliao Basin", in February 2012, he won the Outstanding Achievement Award of Scientific Research in Higher Education Institutions of the Ministry of Education, the first prize of the Natural Science Award, and the first winner.
Award 2:"Basin Volcanic Rocks: Lithology. Lithofacies. Reservoirs. Gas Reservoirs. Exploration". In December 2009, he won the 7th Natural Science Academic Achievement of Jilin Province, the first prize and the first winner.
Award 3:"The Geological Theory and Identification and Characterization of Volcanic Rock Oil and Gas Reservoir Exploration", in 2008, won the Jilin Province Science and Technology Progress Award, the second prize, the first winner.
Award 4:"Research on deep volcanic rock reservoirs in the northern Songliao Basin", in 2006, won the second prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award of the Ministry of Land and Resources, the first winner.
Award 5:"Research on regional structures and deep oil and gas targets in major continental margin basins in eastern China", in 2002, won the first prize and the second prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award of Chinese Universities of the Ministry of Education.
Award 6:"Analysis and Mathematical Expression of Modeling Mechanism of Volcanic Eruption Rock Reservoir in Daqing Target Area", in 2001, he was awarded the special award "Sustainable Development of Daqing Oilfield" jointly by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Daqing Oilfield Co., Ltd. Not ranked.
Award 7:"Continental Scientific Driller of Cretaceous Songke 1 Well in Songliao Basin" won the Science and Technology Progress Award of the Ministry of Education in 2010, the second prize, and the third winner.
2000 Daqing Oilfield Co., Ltd. Golden Bull Award
In 2002, the first prize of China University Science and Technology Award Committee
2006 Second Prize of Land and Resources Science and Technology
2007 Top 100 Most Influential Domestic Academic Papers in China
The second prize of Jilin Province Science and Technology Progress Award in 2008
The second prize of Jilin Province Science and Technology Progress Award in 2008
2009 Jilin Province Natural Science Academic Achievement First Prize
2012 Ministry of Education Natural Science First Prize
2011 Ministry of Education Science and Technology Progress Second Prize
2014 Top Academic Papers of Chinese Fine Journals
In 2023, the first prize of the Chinese Ministry of Education
One of the ten creative project for the 50th anniversary of Daqing Oil Company


    1. Taiji Yu;Pujun Wang;Youfeng Gao;Yan Zhang;Chongyang Chen, 2024 , Discovery of the Late Jurassic peraluminous rhyolites and tonalite porphyrites in the Tuquan area along the western margin of the Songliao Basin: Geological records from closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean to continental collision between the Siberian plate and the Erguna-Songliao block, Acta Petrologica Sinica, 40(1), p.159-177 PDF SCI
    2. Zhuolong Yang;Pujun Wang;Yulong Huang;Youfeng Gao;Chongyang Chen, 2024 , Discovery of Triassic coal-bearing strata in the Daxing’anling Region, Northeast China, Science Bulletin PDF SCI
    3. Pujun Wang;Zhuolong Yang;Youfeng Gao;Xuejiao Qu;Haibo Liu;Yongkang Yin;Chengshan Wang;Xiaoqiao Wan;Shumin Chen, 2024 , Interaction between basement detachment fault, rift onset unconformity, and overlying basin fills: An example from the Songliao basin of a Cretaceous active continental margin volcanic rift in northeast Asia, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 168 PDF SCI
    4. Huafeng Tang;Tianchan Guo;Keqiang Wu;Zilin Liu;Jianyong Xu;Baoliang Lu;Pujun Wang, 2022 , Reassessment of the Distribution of Mantle CO2 in the Bohai Sea, China: The Perspective from the Source and Pathway System, Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 96(1), p.337-347 PDF SCI
    5. Taiji Yu;Pujun Wang;Yan Zhang;Youfeng Gao;Chongyang Chen, 2022 , Discovery of the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Lamprophyres in Western Songliao Basin of Northeast China and Their Constraint on Regional Lithospheric Evolution, Frontiers in Earth Science, 40 PDF SCI
    6. Jianguang Zhang;Olaf Klaus;Lenz;Pujun Wang;Jens Hornung, 2021 , The Eco-Plant model and its implication on Mesozoic dispersed sporomorphs for Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, and Gymnosperms, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology PDF SCI
    7. Huafeng Tang;Zhigang Zhao;Zhiwen Tian;Baoliang Lu;Wu Tang;Kailun He;Chenxi Zhu;Pujun Wang, 2021 , Characteristics of the Density and Magnetic Susceptibility of Rocks in Northern Borneo and their Constraints on the Lithologic Identification of the Mesozoic Rocks in the Southern South China Sea, Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition),, 95(1), p.280-293 SCI
    8. Zhiwen Tian;Wu Tang;Pujun Wang;Zhigang Zhao;Xiaomeng Sun;Huafeng Tang, 2021 , Tectonic Evolution and Key Geological Issues of the Proto-South China Sea, Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition),, 95(1), p.77-90 SCI
    9. Jianguang Zhang;Olaf Klaus Lenz;Pujun Wang;Youfeng Gao;Jens Hornung, 2021 , Database-based Eco-Plant analysis for Mesozoic dispersed sporomorphs, MethodsX PDF ESCI
    10. Jianguang Zhang;Olaf Klaus Lenz;Jens Hornung;Pujun Wang;Martin Ebert;Matthias Hinderer, 2020 , Palynology and the Eco-Plant model of peat-forming wetlands of the Upper Triassic Haojiagou Formation in the Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, NW China, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology SCI
    11. Pujun Wang;Weidong Xu;Haichao Chen;Jian Yi;Hanfei Wang;Huafeng Tang;Wenhua Wang;Chengzhi Wu, 2020 , Characteristic and source-sink response of the Lahar deposits in Changbaishan-Tianchi volcano and adjacent area following the Millennium Eruption, Acta Petrologica Sinica, 36(9), p.2893-2910 PDF SCI
    12. Jian Yi;PuJun Wang;XuanLong Shan;Roberto Carniel;ChenZhi Wu;HanFei Wang;Song Sun;JianNan Guo, 2020 , Facies variations in the pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) produced by the Millennium Eruption of the Changbaishan Tianchi volcano, NE China, Acta Petrologica Sinica, 36(11), p.3346-3362 PDF SCI
    13. Xuejiao Qu;Youfeng Gao;Zhicheng Lin;Pujun Wang;Kangjun Wu, 2020 , Review on the characteristics of the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary correlation in the Songliao Basin and adjacent areas, Earth Science Frontiers PDF
    14. Siwei Li;Pujun Wang;Lin Ding;Jiayuan Du, 2020 , Petrogenesis of Paleocene Adakite-Like Rocks in Northern Margin of the South China Sea, Earth Science, 45(11), p.4091-4117 PDF EI
    15. Huafeng Tang;Pujun Wang;Weihua Bian;Yulong Huang;Youfeng Gao;Xiaojuan Dai, 2020 , Review of volcanic reservoir geology, Acta Petrolei Sinica, 41(12), p.1744-1773 PDF EI
    16. Xiaojuan Dai;Huafeng Tang;Huiyong Li;Yan Zhang;Peng Xu;Pujun Wang;Guomin Song, 2020 , Characteristics and formation mechanism of the fractures in Archaean buried hill: A case study in the BZ19-6 Block, Bohai Bay Basin, China, Geological Journal(4052), p.1-18 SCI
    17. Yongkang Yin;Youfeng Gao;Pujun Wang;Xuejiao Qu;Haibo Liu, 2019 , Discovery of Triassic volcanic-sedimentary strata in the basement of Songliao Basin, Science Bulletin, 64(10), p.644-646 PDF SCI
    18. Pujun Wang;Haibo Liu;Yanguang Ren;Xiaoqiao Wan;Shuxue Wang;Xuejiao Ju;Qi\\, 2017 , How to choose a right drilling site for the ICDP Cretaceous Continental Scientific Drilling in the Songliao Basin(SK2), Northeast China, Earth Science Frontiers, 24(1), p.216-228 PDF EI
    19. Xuejiao Qu;Liwei Yang;Youfeng Gao;Pujun Wang, 2017 , Prediction of the bottom hole geotemperature, formation pressure and formation fracture pressure of the Continental Scientific Drilling of Cretaceous Songliao Basin (SK2), Earth Science Frontiers, 24(1), p.257-264 PDF EI
    20. Xiang GAO;Youfeng GAO;Xuejiao QU;Honghao LI;Tong CHEN;Pujun WANG, 2017 , Fine Description of Volcanic-sedimentary Succession of SK2 Lower Cretaceous Yingcheng Formation in Songliao Basin, Geoscience Frontiers(Geosci Front), 24(1), p.265-275 PDF EI
    21. Huafeng Tang;Tan Kogn;Chengzhi Wu;Pujun Wang;Xu Peng;Youfeng Gao, 2017 , Filling pattern of volcanostratigraphy of Cenozoic volcanic rocks in the Changbaishan area and possible future eruptions, Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 91(5), p.1717-1732 SCI
    22. Huafeng Tang;Pengjiu Zhao;Youfeng Gao;Pujun Wang, 2017 , Spatio-Temporal Attributes of Volcanostratigraphy and Its Lithostratigraphic Units in Basin, Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 47(4), p.1-14
    23. Pujun Wang;Frank Mattern;Didenko;N Alexei;Defeng Zhu;Singer;Brad;Xiaomeng Sun, 2016 , Tectonics and cycle system of the Cretaceous Songliao Basin: An inverted active continental margin basin, Earth Science Reviews, 159(2016), p.82-102 PDF SCI
    24. Huafeng Tang;Di Yang;Mingli Shao;Pujun Wang;Wentie Sun;Yulong Huang, 2016 , The constraints of the environment of deposition of volcanostratigraphic emplacement to the distributive pattern of reservoirs: A case study of the rhyolitic volcanostratigraphy in the 2nd member of Jurassic Huosjiling formation in Wangful fault depression, Songliao Basin, Petroleum Exploration and Development PDF SCI
    25. Pujun Wang;Chongyang Chen;Haibo Liu, 2016 , Aptian giant explosive volcanic eruptions in the Songliao Basin and northeast Asia: A possible cause for global climate change and OAE-1a, Cretaceous Research, 62, p.98-108 PDF SCI
    26. Yanquan Wang;Weihua Bian;Baohong Liu;Guozhong Gu;Ang Su;Pujun Wang, 2016 , Evaluation criterion and cut-off value of igneous rock reservoirs in Liaohe Basin, Journal of China University of Petroleum, 40(2), p.13-22 PDF EI
    27. Yuhui Feng;Weihua Bian;Guozhong Gu;Yulong Huang;Jintao Qiu;Ang Sun;Pujun Wang, 2016 , A drilling data-constrained seismic mapping for intermediate-mafic volcanic facies, Petroleum Exploration and Development, 43(2), p.228-236 PDF SCI
    28. Jian Yi;Pujun Wang;Youfeng Gao;Ruishi Yao;Ranlei Zhao;Chongyang Chen, 2016 , Vesicle distribution in basalt lava flow units in the Mesozoic rift basins of northeast China and its application in gas reservoir prediction, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 53(1), p.59-70 PDF SCI
    29. Sun Ang;Huang Yulong;Li Jun;Feng Yuhui;Wang Jianfei;Wang Pujun, 2016 , Oligocene diabase of eastern sag in Liaohe Basin, NE China: characteristic, identification and hydrocarbon accumulation, OIL & GAS GEOLOGY, 37(3), p.373-380 PDF EI
    30. Pujun Wang;Yangyang Jiao;Kaikai Yang;Zengbao Zhang;Weihua Bian, 2016 , Classification of Volcanogenic Successions and Its Application to Volcanic Reservoir Exploration in the Junggar Basin, NW China, Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 46(4), p.1056-1070 PDF
    31. Chongyang Chen;Youfeng Gao;Haibo Wu;Xuejiao Qu;Zhiwen Liu;Xuefeng Bai;Pujun Wang, 2016 , Zircon U-Pb chronology of volcanic rocks in the Hailaer Basin, NE China: constraints on stratigraphy and tectonics, Earth Science, 41(8), p.1259-1274 PDF EI
    32. Ranlei Zhao;Pujun Wang;Hui Zhao;Jian Yi;Taiji Yu;Di Yang;Tan Kong;Huafeng Tang, 2016 , Reservoir significance of volcanostratigraphic boundary : a case study of Huoshiling Formation, Southern Songliao Basin, ACTA PETROLEI SINICA, 37(4), p.454-463 PDF EI
    33. Pujun Wang;Shumin Cheng, 2015 , Cretaceous volcanic reservoirs and their exploration in the Songliao Basin, northeast China, AAPG Bulletin, 99(3) PDF SCI
    34. Pujun Wang;Chongyang Chen;Ying Zhang;Youfeng Gao;Xuejiao Qu;Jian Yi, 2015 , Characteristics of volcanic reservoirs and distribution rules of effective reservoirs in the Changling fault depression, Songliao Basin, Natural Gas Industry, 35(8), p.10-18 PDF EI
    35. Yanquan Wang;Daqian Hu;Guogang Cai;Pujun Wang;Xiaojian Yu, 2015 , Characteristics and controlling factors of the volcanic reservoirs from the Cenozoic Liaohe Basin, NE China, Acta Petrolei Sinica, 34(5), p.896-904 PDF EI
    36. Baoliang Lu;Pujun Wang;Jingfu Wu;Wuzhi Li;Wanyin Wang;Yuanqiang Lang, 2014 , Distribution of the Mesozoic in the continental margin of the South China Sea Basin and its petroliferous significance, Petrol.Explor.Develop, 44(5), p.1441-1450 PDF SCI
    37. Huang YL;Shan JF;Bian WH;et al, 2014 , Facies classification and reservoir significance of the Cenozoic intermediate and mafic igneous rocks in Liaohe Depression, East China, Petroleum Exploration and Development, 41(6), p.671-680 PDF SCI
    38. Pujun Wang;Jian Yi;Chongyang Chen;Yanquan Wang, 2013 , Volcanostratigraphy and Volcanic Architecture of the Changbaishan Volcanos, NE China, Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 43(2), p.319-339 PDF
    39. Huafeng Tang;Pujun Wang;Ruilei Li;Chen Huang;Bing Bai, 2012 , Types of Volcanic Edifices and Its Characteristics of Gas Pool of Faulted Sequence in Songliao Basin, NE China, Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition), 42(3), p.583-589 PDF EI
    40. Huafeng Tang;Mifu Zhao;Xuanlong Shan;Pujun Wang, 2012 , Characteristics of volcanic stratigraphy’s unit and seismic stratigraphy of Yingcheng Formation in Songliao Basin, OGP, 47(2), p.323-330 PDF EI
    41. Yanxiong Wu;Pujun Wang;Weihua Bian;Youfeng Gao;Yuanqiang Lang., 2012 , Log responses and its corresponding geological interpretation of deep volcanic reservoir in Songliao Basin., Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 42(6), p.1927-1934 PDF EI
    42. Jingfu Wu;Gongcheng Zhang;Pujun Wang;Xiaojun Xie;Shegnbiao Hu;Jiafu Qi., 2012 , Geological response and forming mechanisms of 23.8Ma tectonic events in deepwater area of the Pearl River Mouth Basin in South China Sea., Earth Science(Journal of China University of Geosciences), 37(4), p.654-666 PDF EI
    43. Yanxiong Wu;Pujun Wang;Weihua Bian;Miao Yu;Peng Wang;Bo Wang., 2012 , Poroperm characteristics of deep volcanic reservoirs in Songliao Basin., Oil & Gas Geology, 33(2), p.237-247 PDF
    44. Liyuan Wang;Huafeng Tang;Pujun Wang;Bo Yang., 2012 , The seismic reflection characteristics and response relationship of volcanic rocks lithofacies in Changling fault depression,Songliao Basin., Progress in Geophysics, 27(1), p.271-278 PDF
    45. Baoliang Lu;Xiaomeng Sun;Gongcheng Zhang;Bin Zhang;Yuanqiang Lang;Pujun Wang, 2011 , Seismic-potential field response characteristics and identification of basement lithology of the northern South China Sea basin, Chinese J.Geophys, 54(2), p.563-572 PDF SCI
    46. Baoliang Lu;Pujun Wang;Gongcheng Zhang;Bin Zhang;Xiaomeng Sun;Wuzhi Li;Yuanqiang Lang, 2011 , Structure and petroleum prospect of the northern epicontinental basin’s basement within the South China Sea, Acta Petrolei Sinica, 32(4), p.580-587 PDF EI
    47. Yulong Huang;Deyou Sun;Pujun Wang;Licai Qu, 2011 , Characteristics of well-logging response to lava flow units of the Lower Cretaceous basalts in Songliao Basin, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 54(2), p.524-533 PDF SCI
    48. Pujun Wang;Gongcheng Zhang;Qian Meng;Baoliang Lu;Defeng Zhu;Xiaomeng Sun., 2011 , Application of seismic volcanostratigraphy to the volcanic rifted basins of China., Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 54(2), p.697-610 PDF
    49. Zhenyan Chen;Jintao Qiu;Pujun Wang;Pai Li;Peixian Zhang;Xin Liu;Tao Hao;Guimin Nie., 2011 , Relationship between Volcanic Rocks and Hydrocarbon Accumulation during Dominant Period of Basin Formation in Liaohe Depression., Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 29(4), p.798-808 PDF
    50. Yanxiong Wu;Pujun Wang;Yanhui Wu;Lin Yan;Di Yang., 2011 , Components of volcanic reservoir space:A case study from the Songliao Basin., Natural Gas Industry, 3(4), p.28-33 PDF
    51. Yuanqiang Lang;Daqian Hu;Chang Liu;Bin Zhang;Baoliang Lu;Pujun Wang., 2011 , Mineralogy study of magnetic susceptibility of rocks along the coast of the northern South China Sea., Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 54(2), p.573-587 PDF SCI
    52. Zhiqiang Feng Jiaqi;Liu;Pujun Wang;Shumin Chen;Zihui Feng;Ying Tong., 2011 , New oil and gas exploration field:volcanic hydrocarbon reservoirs—Enlightenment from the discovery of the large gas field in Songliao basin, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 54(2), p.269-279 PDF SCI
    53. Weihua Bian;Jens Hornung;Zhenhua Liu;Pujun Wang;Matthias Hinderer, 2010 , Sedimentary and palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, Northwest China, Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 90(3), p.175-186 PDF SCI
    54. Youfeng Gao;Pujun Wang;Xuejiao Qu;Guodong Wang, 2010 , Sedimentary facies and cyclostratigraphy of the Cretaceous first member of Nenjiang Formation in the Southeast uplift zone, Songliao Basin and its correlation with the CCSD-SK-1, Acta Petrologica Sinica, 26(1) PDF SCI
    55. Huafeng Tang;Weihua Bian;Pujun Wang;Chuanjin Jiang;Ying wang, 2010 , Characteristics of volcanic eruption cycles of the Yingcheng Formation in the Songliao Basin, Natural Gas Industry, 30(3), p.35-39 PDF
    56. Pujun Wang;Changhai Yin;Rukai Zhu;Lin Yan;Weihua Bian;Yulong Huang;Yanxiong Wu, 2010 , Classification, Description and Interpretation of the Volcanic Products: Ancient and Modern Examples from China, Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 40(3), p.469-481 PDF EI
    57. Weihua Bian;Pujun Wang;Xiaomeng Sun;Huafeng Tang, 2010 , Late Permian- Middle Triassic mafic sills from Kuruktag, Tarim basin: Petrochemical characteristics and geological implication, Acta Petrologica Sinica, 26(1), p.274-282 PDF SCI
    58. Pujun Wang;Shumin Chen;Wuzhi Li;Hanlin Chen;Yuanqiang Lang, 2010 , Chronology,petrology and geochemistry of the Cretaceous crypto-explosive breccia-bearing volcanic rocks:Implications for volcanic reservoir and tectonics of the Songliao Basin,NE China., Acta Petrologica Sinica, 26(1), p.33-46 PDF SCI
    59. Guodong Wang;Rihui Cheng;Pujun Wang;Youfeng Gao., 2010 , Coniancian seismites:Structure,sequece and volcanogenic origin of Qingshankou Formation in the Cretaceous Songliao Basin, Acta Petrologica Sinica, 26(1), p.121-129 PDF SCI
    60. Wanzhu Liu;Yulong Huang;Yanming Pang;Pujun Wang., 2010 , Diagenesis of intermediate and mafic volcanic rocks of Yingcheng Formation in the Songliao Basin:Sequential crystallization,amygdule filling and reservoir effect., Acta Petrologica Sinica, 26(1), p.158-164 PDF SCI
    61. Fujiang Hao;Jiyu Du;Pujun Wang;Rihui Chen;Zhongqiong Lu., 2010 , Control of deep-large fault to southern Songliao fault basin group., Global Geology, 29(4), p.553-560 PDF
    62. Xue Jiang;Rihui Cheng;Pujun Wang;Wanzhu Liu., 2010 , Deep-Water Sedimentary Sequence of Xidashan Formation,Early Cambrian in Kuruktag,Tarim Basin., Geological Science and Technology Information, 29(2), p.52-57 PDF
    63. Huafeng Tang;Fenglin Cui;Pujun Wang;Guoyin Cao;Bo Yang, 2009 , Seismic Identification of Volcanic Reservoir Constrained by Geology Model, Xinjiang Petroleum Geology, 30(5), p.563-565 PDF
    64. Pujun Wang;Youfeng Gao;Yanguang Ren;Wanzhu Liu;Jianguang Zhang, 2009 , 40Ar /39Ar age and geochemical features of mugearite from the Qingshankou Formation: significances for basin formation, hydrocarbon generation and petroleum accumulation of the Songliao Basin in Cretaceous., Acta Petrologica Sinica, 25(5), p.1178-1190 PDF SCI
    65. Pujun Wang;Youfeng Gao;Rihui Cheng;et al., 2009 , Description of Cretaceous Sedimentary Sequence of the Second and Third Member of the Qingshankou Formation Recovered by CCSD-SK-Ⅰs Borehole in Songliao Basin: Lithostratigraphy, Sedimentary Facies and Cyclic Stratigraphy., Earth science frontiers, 16(2), p.288-313 PDF
    66. Rihui Cheng;Guodong Wang;Pujun Wang;et al., 2009 , Description of Cretaceous Sedimentary Sequence of the Yaojia Formation Recovered by CCSD-SK-Ⅰs Borehole in Songliao Basin: Lithostratigraphy, Sedimentary Facies and Cyclic Stratigraphy, Earth science frontiers, 16(2), p.272-287 PDF
    67. Youfeng Gao;Pujun Wang;Rihui Cheng;et al., 2009 , Description of Cretaceous sedimentary sequence of the first member of the Qingshankou Formation recovered by CCSD-SKⅠs borehole in Songliao Basin: lithostratigraphy, sedimentary facies, and cyclic stratigraphy., Earth science frontiers, 16(2), p.314-323
    68. Guodong Wang;Rihui Cheng;Pujun Wang;et al., 2009 , Description of Cretaceous Sedimentary Sequence of the Quantou Formation Recovered by CCSD-SK-Ⅰs Borehole in Songliao Basin: Lithostratigraphy, Sedimentary Facies and Cyclic Stratigraphy., Earth science frontiers, 16(2), p.324-338 PDF
    69. Youfeng Gao;Chengshan Wang;Pujun Wang, 2009 , Well site selecting,core section characteristics and distribution of the special lithological layers in CCSD-SK-In borehole,Songliao Basin, Earth Sience Frontiers, 16(6), p.104-112 PDF
    70. Huafeng Tang;Yanming Pang;Weihua Bian;Pujun Wang;Feiqiong Min, 2008 , Quantitative analysis on reservoirs in volcanic edifice of Early Cretaceous Yingcheng Formation in Songliao Basin, Acta Petrolei Sinica, 29(6), p.841-845 PDF EI
    71. Wanzhu Liu;Pujun Wang;Youfeng Gao;Guodong Wang;Xuefeng Bai, 2008 , Discovery of oncolites in the Qingshankou Formation of Cretaceous, Songliao basin and its environmental significance., Acta Geologica Sinica, 82(5), p.594-600 PDF
    72. Songjun Wang;Pujun Wang;Ping Chang;Tianping Hou, 2008 , Analysis of Trace Elements in Fur of Nyctereutes by ICP-AES., Journal of Jilin,University (Science Edition)(5) PDF
    73. Huafeng Tang;Pujun Wang;Chuanjin Jiang;Weihua Bian;Yulong Huang, 2007 , Physical model and seismic recognition of concealed volcanic edifices of Yingcheng Formation in Songliao Basin, Cretaceous, NE China, Progress in Geophysics, 22(2), p.530-536 PDF
    74. Huafeng Tang;Zhengshun Xu;Pujun Wang;Ping Shu;Yulong Huang;Weihua Bian, 2007 , Facies Quantitive Model and Characteristics of Reservoirs Flow Unit of Buried Volcanic Edifice of Yingcheng Formation in Songliao Basin, Cretaceous, NE China, Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition), 37(6), p.1074-1082 PDF
    75. Huafeng Tang;Pujun Wang;Chuanjin Jiang;Jing Yu;Wanzhu Liu;Rihui Cheng, 2007 , Application of waveform classification to identify volcanic facies in Songliao basin., Oil Geophysical Prospecting, 42(4), p.440-444 PDF EI
    76. Huafeng Tang;Pujun Wang;Chuanjin Jiang;Jie Liu;Qingchen Zhang;Youliang Feng, 2007 , Seismic Characters of Volcanic Facies and Their Distribution Relation to Deep Faults in Songliao Basin, Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition), 37(1), p.73-78
    77. Pujun Wang;Xiao\\, 2007 , The Cretaceous Songliao Basin: Volcanogenic Succession,Sedimentary Sequence and Tectonic Evolution, NE China, Acta Geologica Sinica, 81(6), p.801-811 PDF SCI
    78. Weihua Bian;Yukui Chen;Huafeng Tang;Di Yang;Pujun Wang, 2007 , Volcanic Facies Identif ication with Cuttings - A Case Study in Dongling , Southern Songliao Basin, Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 37(6), p.1104-1109 PDF
    79. Pujun Wang;Qijun Hou;Keyong Wang;Shumin Chen;Rihui Cheng;Wanzhu Liu;Quanlin Li, 2007 , Discovery and significance of high CH4 primary fluid inclusions in reservoir volcanic rocks of the Songliao B asin, NE China, Acta Geologica Sinica, 81(1), p.113-120 PDF SCI
    80. Songjun Wang;Pujun Wang;Ping Chang;Shucai Gan;Yue Hou, 2007 , Application of rock quick analysis by inductively coupled plasma atoms emission spectrometry technology., Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 45(6), p.1027-1031 PDF
    81. Pujun Wang;Changqing Zheng;Ping Shu;Wanzhu Liu;Yulong Huang;Huafeng Tang;Rihui Cheng, 2007 , Classification of deep volcanic rocks in Songliao Basin, PetroleumGe- ology & Oilfield Development in Daqing, 26(4), p.17-22 PDF
    82. Pujun Wang;Yanming Pang;Huafeng Tang;Yulong Huang;Changqing Zheng, 2007 , The Characteristics of the Paleo-volcanic Edifice of Yingcheng Formation,Cretaceous, Son- gliao Basin., Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 37(6), p.1064-1073 PDF
    83. Pujun Wang;Qijun Hou;Wanzhu Liu;Yulong Huang;Juntao Jia;Huafeng Tang, 2007 , Characteristics of volcanic facies and genesis of natural gases in deep Songliao Basin,NE China., Global Geology, 26(3), p.319-325
    84. Songjun Wang;Ping Chang;Pujun Wang;Tianping Hou;Yue Hou, 2007 , Determination of trace elements in natural grapestone by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry., Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 27(1), p.151-154 PDF SCI
    85. Xiaomeng Sun;Fujiang Hao;Rihui Cheng;Pengju Liu;Pujun Wang;Qingchun Sun, 2007 , Sequence of Unconformities and Tectonic Evolution of the Covers at the Northeast Margin of the Tarim Basin., Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 37(3), p.450-457 PDF
    86. Yanming Qu;Ping Shu;Xueyan Ji;Rixin Ding;Xuefeng Bai;Pujun Wang, 2007 , Micro-fabrics of Reservoir Volcanic Rocks in the Qingshen Gas Field of the Songliao basin., Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 37(4), p.721-726 PDF
    87. Ping Shu;Yanming Qu;Guojun Wang;Rixin Ding;Xingbo Ai;Xueyan Ji;Huafeng Tang;Weihua Bian;Pujun Wang, 2007 , Geological Features of the Volcanic Reservoirc of the Songliao Basin and Their Geophysical Detection, Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 37(4), p.727-733 PDF
    88. Xueyan Ji;Ping Shu;Yanming Qu;Rixin Ding;Zhenhua Guo;Pujun Wang, 2007 , Fluid Inclusion Study and Its Application to Tracing Gas-Trapping History in the Qingshen Gas Field of the Songliao Basin., Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 37(4), p.739-743 PDF
    89. Qingchun Sun;Xiaomeng Sun;Pujun Wang;Wanzhu Liu;Fenglan Jin;Xuefeng Bai, 2007 , Joint Structure Features,Distribution Regularity and Reservoir Prediction of Yingcheng Formation in Eastern Songliao Basin., Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 37(6), p.1091-1096 PDF
    90. Changqing Zheng;Zhengshun Xu;Pujun Wang;Xiaomeng Sun;Hu Wang, 2007 , Geological Characteristics and Hydrocarbon Reservoir Significance of the Diabaseprophyrite at the Shanghewan Area,Southeast Uplift of the Songliao Basin,NE China., Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 37(6), p.1097-1103 PDF
    91. Yuting Zhao;Xuanlong Shan;Pujun Wang;Jing Sun;Qingdi Liu;Lijun Ren, 2007 , Devitrification of the Volcanic Rocks of the Cretaceous Yingcheng Formation in the Songli- ao Basin and Its Reservoir Significance:An Example from a Basin Boundary Section., Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 37(6), p.1152-1158 PDF
    92. Lijun Ren;Xuanlong Shan;Pujun Wang;Qingdi Liu;Yuting Zhao, 2007 , Analysis of Ancient Volcanic Edifices of Yingcheng Formation in Songliao Basin Exampl- es from the Mountain of Perlite in Santai,Southeast Uplift., Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 37(6), p.1159-1165
    93. Rihui Cheng;Wanzhu Liu;Pujun Wang;Jingtao Hou;Xue Jiang;Fei Li, 2007 , Processes,Facies and Architecture of the Early Cretaceous Pyroclastic Deposits of the Second Member,Yingcheng Formation,the Eastern Margin of the Songliao Basin., Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 37(6), p.1166-1175
    94. Jingtao Hou;Rihui Cheng;Pujun Wang;Zhongjie Xu, 2007 , Sedimentary Characteristics and Origin Model of Conglomerate of Second Member,Yingche- ng Formation in Liutai,Southeast Margin of Songliao Basin., Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 37(6), p.1176-1182 PDF
    95. Hu Wang;Changqing Zheng;Pujun Wang;Yulong Huang, 2007 , Lithology,Lithofacies and Successions of the Volcanic Rocks of Upper Cretaceous Yingche- Ng Formation,Southeastern Songliao Basin., Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 37(6), p.1217-1223 PDF
    96. Youfeng Gao;Wanzhu Liu;Xueyan Ji;Xuefeng Bai;Pujun Wang;Yulong Huang;Changqing Zheng;Feiqiong Min, 2007 , Diagenesis Types and Features of Volcanic rocks and Its Impact on Porosity and Permeabilit- y in Yingcheng Formation,Songliao Basin., Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 37(6), p.1251-1258 PDF
    97. Yan Zhang;Ping Shu;Pujun Wang;Changqing Zheng;Xuanlong Shan, 2007 , Comparison between Subaerial and Subaqueous Volcanic Rocks and the Reservoir Significance-Taking Yingcheng Formation in Songliao Basin as Example., Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 37(6), p.1259-1265 PDF
    98. Jiaqiang Wang;Wanzhu Liu;Shuangling Yang;Pujun Wang;Zhongjie Xu, 2007 , Types,Characteristics and Genesis of Lithophysa in Rhyolite of Yingcheng Formation,Songl- iao Basin., Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 37(6), p.1266-1271 PDF
    99. Pujun Wang;Fukun Chen;Shumin Chen;Wolfgang Siebel;Muharrem Satir, 2006 , Geochemical and Nd-Sr-Pb isotopic composition of Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the Songliao basin, NE China;, Geochemical Journal, 40(2), p.149-159 PDF SCI
    100. Pujun Wang;Heyong Wu;Yanming Pang;Guangtian Men;Yanguang Ren;Wanzhu Liu;Weihua Bian, 2006 , Volcanic facies of the Songliao basin:sequence,model and the quantitative relationship with porosity & permeability of the volcanic reservoir, Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition), 36(5), p.805-812 PDF
    101. PuJun Wang;RiHui Cheng;Hongyan Wang;XiaoDong Liang;XuanLong Shan;BaoJun Shan;XiaoDong Sun;WanZhu Liu, 2006 , Strategy of next step oil & gas exploration in the Northern Songliao Basin (NE China)., Petroleum Exploration and Development, 33(4), p.436-441 PDF EI
    102. Rihui Cheng;Pujun Wang;Wanzhu Liu;Xiaomeng Sun;Xuanlong Shan, 2006 , Sequence Stratigraphy and Models for the Chambrian in Kuluketage,Xinjiang., Xinjiang Geology, 24(4), p.353-360 PDF
    103. Yunfeng Bai;Rihui Cheng;Pujun Wang;Wanzhu Liu, 2006 , Nodular Limestone in the Warty Sedimentary Seqence of the Hangguletag Formation in Kuruktag., Xinjiang Geology, 24(4), p.361-364 PDF
    104. Xuefeng Bai;Wanzhu Liu;Rihui Cheng;Pujun Wang;Youfeng Gao, 2006 , Petrologic Evidence of an Unstable Carbonate Platform in the Ordovician in the Kuruketage Region, Tarim Basin., Xinjiang Geology, 24(4), p.369-372 PDF
    105. Qingying Kong;Rihui Cheng;Pujun Wang;Wanzhu Liu, 2006 , Characteristics of Tempestite in the Moheershan Formtion and Sea-Level Changs in KuruktaGe, Xinjiang., Xinjiang Geology, 24(4), p.377-380 PDF
    106. Youfeng Gao;Wanzhu Liu;Pujun Wang;Xuefeng Bai, 2006 , Diagenesis of Sandstone in Tushibulake Formation And its Influence on Pore Evolution,Kongquehe Region, Xinjiang Geology, 24(4), p.381-383 PDF
    107. Rihui Cheng;Pujun Wang;Xiaomeng Sun;Yunfeng Bai, 2006 , Sequence stratigraphy and sea level changes of Odvician in Kuruktag, Xinjiang., Geotactonica et Metallogenia, 30(3), p.283-293 PDF
    108. Juntao Jia;Pujun Wang;Bin Zhang;Xiaoqiao Wan, 2006 , Cretaceous stratigraphic sequence of the Binxian subbasin east of Harbin, Heilongjiang, China and its correlation with that in the Songliao basin, Geological Bulletin of China, 25(9-10), p.1143-1151 PDF
    109. Pujun Wang;Qijun Hou;Ping Shu;Yulong Huang;Zhanhua Guo;Jinlong Li, 2005 , Facies-controlled volcanic reservoirs of the northern Songliao basin, NE China., J. Geosci. Res. NE Asia, 8(1/2), p.72-77 PDF
    110. Rihui Cheng;Pujun Wang;Wanzhu Liu;Huafeng Tang;Yunfeng Bai;Qingying Kong;Weihai Song, 2005 , Response of Triassic sequence stratigraphy of lower Yangtze to the collision between the Yangtze plate and the North China plate., Geotectonica et Metallogenica, 29(2), p.174-184 PDF
    111. Sun Xiao-meng;Wang Pu-jun;Hao Fu-jiang;Gao Yi;Bao Yafan, 2005 , Space-time distribution features, migration regularities and genetic types of regional fault system of Meso-Cenozoic in the central section of epicontinent of the east China, Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 35(5), p.554-563 PDF
    112. Xianda Sun;Limin Suo;Minzhi Zhang;Pujun Wang, 2005 , New progress of Reservoir research by the technology of Laser Confocal Scanning Microscope analysis in The Daqing exploration area., Acta Petrologica Sinica, 21(5), p.1479-1488 PDF
    113. Rihui Cheng;Pujun Wang;Wanzhu Liu;Xuanlong Shan;Shumin Chen;Yongbao Qu, 2005 , Sequence stratigraphy with fills of volcanic rocks in Xujiaweizi faulted depression of Songliao Basin, Northeast China., Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 35(4), p.469-474 PDF
    114. Pujun Wang;Qiun Hou;Rihui Cheng;Quanlin Li;Zhenhua Guo;Yulong Huang., 2004 , Methane-rich fluid inclusions and their hosting volcanic reservoir rocks of the Songliao Basin, NE China, J. Geosci. Res. NE Asia, 7(2), p.136-142 PDF
    115. Songjun Wang;Ping Chang;Pujun Wang;Tianping Hou ., 2004 , Multi-element determination in chalcopyrite by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry., Rock and Mineral Analysis, 23(3), p.228-230 PDF
    116. Xiuying Yu;Rihui Cheng;Pujun Wang, 2004 , Study of evolution of faulted controlled topography-sedimentary systems and some problems., Global Geology, 23(2), p.123-127 PDF
    117. Rihui Cheng;Pujun Wang;Wanzhu Liu;Huafeng Tang;Yunfeng Bai;Qingying Kong;Weihai Song, 2004 , Response of Triassic sequence stratigraphy of lower Yangtze to collision between Yangtze plate and North China plate., Geotectonica et Metallogenica, 28(2), p.134-141 PDF
    118. Rihui Cheng;Pujun Wang;Wanzhu Liu;Huafeng Tang;Qingying Kong;Weihai Song, 2004 , The maximum flooding event of transgression during the Triassic and collision between Yangtze plate and North China plate in Lower Yangtze area., Marine Geology & Global Geology, 24(2), p.55-59 PDF
    119. Pujun Wang;Yuanlin Chi;Wanzhu Liu;Rihui Cheng;Xuanglong Shan;Yanguang Ren;, 2003 , Volcanic facies of the Songliao basin: Classification, characteristics and reservoir significance, Journal of Jilin University(Earth Sciences Edition), 33(4), p.449-456 PDF
    120. Pujun Wang;Shumin Chen;Wanzhu Liu;Xuanglong Shan;Rihui Cheng;Yan Zhang;Haibo Wu;Jingshun Qi, 2003 , Relationship between volcanic facies and volcanic reservoirs in Songliao basin, Oil & Gas Geology, 24(1), p.18-23 PDF
    121. Wanzhu Liu;Pujun Wang;Guangtian Men;Weihua Bian;Xiuzhen Yin;Liqun Xu, 2003 , Characteristics of deep volcanic reservoirs in northern Songliao Basin, Oil & Gas Geology, 24(1), p.28-31 PDF
    122. PuJun Wang;Zhiqiang Feng;Frank Mattern, 2003 , Reservoir Volcanic Rocks: Geology and Geochemistry, the Mesozoic Non-marine Songliao Basin, NE China, J. Geosci. Res. NE Asia, 16(2), p.129-137 PDF
    123. Schneider Werner;Mattern Frank;Pujun Wang;Cai Li., 2003 , Tectonic and sedimentary basin evolution of the eastern Bangong-Nujiang zone (Tibet): a Reading cycle., International Journal of Earth Sciences, 92, p.228-254 PDF SCI
    124. Pujun Wang;Mattern Frank;Schneider Werner;Wanzhu Liu;Shikai Li;Cai Li ., 2003 , The Cretaceous of the eastern Bangong-Nujiang suture zone (Tibet): tectono-sedimentation., Journal of Geoscientific Research in Northeast Asia, 16(1), p.34-40 PDF
    125. Rihui Cheng;Pujun Wang;Wanzhu Liu, 2003 , Depositional controls of structural fault terrace: example from seismic, logging and outcrop data, Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 21(2), p.255-259 PDF
    126. Rihui Cheng;Pujun Wang;Wanzhu Liu;Xuanlong Shan, 2003 , Influence of tectonic activity and volcanism on hydrocarbon generation of kerogen., Geological Science and Technology Information, 22(1), p.83-87 PDF
    127. Weihai Song;Pujun Wang;Xingzhou Zhang;Qian Meng;Xuanlong Shan;Ri-hui Cheng, 2003 , Characteristics of Mesozoic volcanic reservoirs in SongLiao basin, Oil & Gas Geology, 24(1), p.12-17 PDF
    128. Rihui Cheng;Pujun Wang;Wanzhu Liu;Xuanlong Shan;Shumin Chen, 2003 , Volcanic massif and sedimentary facies belts controlled by Xujiaweizi fault terrace belts in Songliao Basin., Oil & Gas Geology, 24(2), p.126-135 PDF
    129. Rihui Cheng;Wanzhu Liu;Pujun Wang;Xuanlong Shan;Shumin Chen;Yongbao Qu., 2003 , Occurrences of volcanic rocks in XuJiaWeiZi fault-depression and their significance., Oil & Gas Geology, 24(1), p.24-27 PDF
    130. Weihai Song;Xingzhou Zhang;Pujun Wang, 2003 , Tertiary tectonic-volcanic events in the central continental margin from eastern China and their controls on the formation of oil & gas-bearing basins., J. Jilin University (Earth Sci Edition), 33(4), p.479-484 PDF
    131. Pujun Wang;Yanguang Ren;Xuanlong Shan;Shaobo Sun;Chuanbiao Wan;Weihua Bian, 2002 , The Cretaceous volcanic succession around the Songliao Basin, NE China: relationship between volcanism and sedimentation, Geological Journal, 37(2), p.97-115 PDF SCI
    132. Pujun Wang;Wanzhu Liu;Shuxue Wang;Weihai Song, 2002 , 40Ar/ 39Ar and K/Ar dating on the volcanic rocks in the Songliao basin, NE China: Constraints on stratigraphy and basin dynamics, International Journal of Earth Sciences, 91, p.331-340 PDF SCI
    133. Pujun Wang;Werner Schneider;Frank Mattern;Weihua Bian, 2002 , The characters of transgressive sequence of terrigenous basin: Correlation between the Triassic in central Europen basin and the Cretaceous in Songliao basin of China, Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology, 22(2), p.47-53 PDF
    134. PuJun Wang;WanZhu Liu;XuiYing Yin;Schneider Werner;Mattern Frank, 2002 , Marine ingressive events recorded in epicontinental sequences: example from the Cretaceous Songliao Basin of NE China in comparison with the Triassic Central Europe Basin of SW Germany., J. Geosci. Res. NE Asia, 5(1), p.35-42 PDF
    135. Baojun Yang;Meisheng Zhang;Pujun Wang;Cai Liu;Xiaomeng Sun;Xinhua Jiao;Xuanlong Shan;Lingshun Meng;Wansong Liu;Wenliang Xu;Hua Guo ., 2002 , Composite scale analysis of geology-geophysics in major basins and surrounding areas in eastern China., Progress in Geophysics, 17(2), p.317-323 PDF
    136. Pujun Wang;Wanzhu Liu;Xuanglong Shan;Weihua Bian;Yanguang Ren;Xiaodi Du;Chuanbiao Wan;Rihui Cheng, 2001 , Depositional Events: Introduction, Example, Application, Jilin Science & Technology Press, p.182 专著
    137. Pujun Wang;Ping Chang;Hong Li;Dongpo Wang, 1997 , Sequential analysis of black shales and its application to biomineralization research., Experimental Petroleum Geology, 19(4), p.382-387 PDF
    138. Xiaodi Du;Pujun Wang;Lichun Kuang;Dongpo Wang, 1997 , Reconstruction and origin of sea level changes of Sinian period to Devonian period in Tarim Basin., Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 15(3), p.14-17 PDF
    139. Rihui Cheng;Zhaojun Liu;Pujun Wang, 1997 , Geological significance of volcanic events in the eastern part of SongLiao Basin., Earth Science-Journal of China University of Geosciences, 22(1), p.57-61 PDF EI
    140. Wanzhu Liu;Pujun Wang, 1997 , Genesis and environmental significance of the dolomite concretions from the NenJiang formation in the SongLiao Basin,NorthEasten China., The editorial board for sedimentary facies and palaeogeography, 17(1), p.22-27 PDF
    141. Hongbin Wang;Pujun Wang;Hong Chen;Jingzhe Bai, 1997 , A summary of the studies on volcanic-clastic-tuff Rock Reservoirs of Mesozoic and Kainozoic in Eastern China., Global Geology, 16(3), p.34-41 PDF
    142. Pujun Wang;Xiaodi Du;Jun Wang;Dongpo Wang, 1996 , Chronostratigraphy and stratigraphic classification of the Cretaceous of the Songliao Ba- sin., Acta Geologica Sinina,, 9(2), p.207-217 PDF SCI
    143. Pujun Wang;Dongpo Wang;Ping Chang;Hong Li, 1996 , Metallic biomineralization of continental black shales, Journal of ChangChun Uninersity of Earth Science, 26(1), p.47-53 PDF
    144. Pujun Wang;Dongpo Wang;Xiaodi Du, 1996 , The origin of the black shales and the bottom current model for seawater encroachment in the Cretaceous QingShanKou formation SongLiao Basin,NorthEast China., The editorial board for sedimentary facies and palaeogeography, 16(1), p.34-43 PDF
    145. Yong Xu;Bao Qiao;Wei Wang;Pujun Wang, 1996 , Characteristics and genesis of the sulfide minerals in Ekou iron ore(ShanXi province,China)., Global Geology, 15(3), p.37-40 PDF
    146. Pujun Wang;Yangguang Ren;Dongpo Wang, 1995 , Evaporite origin and its palaeo-environmental significance of Quantou Formation, Songliao Cretaceous nearshore continental basin (NE China), Acta Sedimentologica Sinica,, 13(增刊), p.53-62 PDF
    147. Wanzhu Liu;Xiaodi Du;Pujun Wang, 1995 , A unique research method of the outcrop sequence stratigraphy : an example from the Silurian section in YinGan village,KePing,XinJing., The editorial board for sedimentary facies and palaeogeography, 15(5), p.29-32 PDF
    148. Pujun Wang;Liwei Sun;Ping Chang;Dongpo Wang, 1995 , Organism/bacteria absorption for trace elements: simulation experiment and genetic analysis., World Geology, 14(2), p.59-62 PDF
    149. Pujun Wang;Dongpo Wang., 1995 , The application of debris bulk chemical composition statistics method to the SongLiao Basin analysis., The editorial board for sedimentary facies and palaeogeography, 15(2), p.114-121 PDF
    150. Pujun Wang;Xiaodi Du;Dongpo Wang, 1995 , Geochemical records of the Cretaceous lacustrine transgressive sequences and the marine-lake connection events in the SongLiao Basin,NorthEast China., The editorial board for sedimentary facies and palaeogeography, 15(4), p.14-20 PDF
    151. Pujun Wang;Xiaodi Du;Jun Wang;Dongpo Wang, 1995 , Chronostratigraphy and stratigraphic classification of the Cretaceous of the Songliao Basin., Acta Geologica Sinina, 69(4), p.372-381 PDF
    152. Kaizhi Xu;Pujun Wang, 1995 , Industrial mapping software of sedimentary microfacies and petroleum geology, The editorial board for sedimentary facies and palaeogeography, 15(2), p.137-143 PDF
    153. Pujun Wang;Yan Zhou;Dongpo Wang, 1994 , Direct radiometric dating on non-marine sedimentary sequences and it’s application to basin analysis., World Geology, 13(3), p.124-130 PDF
    154. Pujun Wang;Wanzhu Liu;Dongpo Wang, 1994 , Method of geothermal reconstruction of sedimentary basins, World Geology, 13(3), p.114-119 PDF
    155. Pujun Wang;Xiaodi Du, 1993 , Principles and methods of quantitative mathematical simulation of sedimentary basin analysis., Journal of Xi′an petroleum institute, 8(3), p.14-19 PDF
    156. Pujun Wang;Xiaodi Du;Dongpo Wang, 1993 , Basin modeling: overview·application·prospects., Sedimentary Facies and Palaeogeography, 13(4), p.46-55 PDF
    157. Pujun Wang;Xiaodi Du;Dongpo Wang, 1992 , Categories and characteristics of SongLiao Bain Cretaceous logging-sedimentary facies, Journal of ChangChun Uninersity of Earth Sciences, 22(2), p.169-179 PDF
    158. Xiaodi Du;Pujun Wang, 1992 , Calculation of the original sedimentary rate, Journal of ChangChun Uninersity of Earth Sciences, 22(1), p.67-70 PDF
    159. Xiaodi Du;Pujun Wang, 1992 , Ice-rafted deposits:palaeoclimatic and palaeogeographic records., The editorial board for sedimentary facies and palaeogeography, 4(4), p.35-39 PDF
    160. Zhaojun Liu;Dongpo Wang;Li Liu;Wanzhu Liu;Pujun Wang;Xiaodi Du;Guang Yang ., 1992 , Sedimentary characteristics of the Cretaceous SongLiao Basin., Acta Geologica Sinica, 66(2), p.327-338
    161. Pujun Wang;Zhaojun Liu;Wanzhu Liu;Xiaodi Du, 1991 , The application of element geochemistry-statistics method to continental basin analysis of Southern Songliao Basin, Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 9(3), p.31-39 PDF
    162. Xiaodi Du;Pujun Wang;Dongpo Wang, 1991 , Sedimentary Characteristics of the fluvial facies and palaeochannel reconstruction of the quantou formation in the Songliao Basin., The editorial board for sedimentary facies and palaeogeography(3), p.15-21
    163. Kailin Ma;Pujun Wang;Songjun Wang;Jingzhou Hui;Chunjiu Fu, 1989 , Maintaining the analytical condition of icap permanently constant for sample analysis, Journal of ChangChun Uninersity of Earth Science, 19(1), p.105-108 PDF
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    165. Jingzhou Hui;Pujun Wang;Songjun Wang;Kailin Ma;Chunjiu Fu, 1987 , Simultaneous determination of trace elements in biological samples by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy, Environmental Chemistry, 6(4), p.48-52 PDF


    1. Pujun Wang;Xikui Wang;Chengzhi Wu;Chongyang Chen;Jian Yi;Yanquan Wang, 2015-2018 , Changbaishan Volcanos: Volcanostratigrapy, volcanic architecture and their linkage with eruption trend analysis and hazard prediction NSFC
    2. Pujun Wang; Huafeng Tang; Sun Xiaomeng;Rihui Chen;Wanzhu Liu;Yan Zhang;Ang Sun;Xinying Zhao;Zilin Liu;Yuanyin Xu;Pengjiu Zhao, 2015-2017 , the distribution of the igneous rocks and deep faults in sea area of China CNOOC fund
    3. Pujun Wang;Yan Zhang;Xiaobo Li;Taiji Yu;Weihua Bian;Huafeng Tang;Wanzhu Liu;Youfeng Gao, 2015-2016 , abc SinoPec fund
    4. Pujun Wang; Weihua Bian;Pujun Wang;Weihua Bian;Yan Zhang;Kaikai Yang;Yangyang Jiao;Lintao Wang;Xian Cheng;Xiaokang Liu, 2014-2016 , The Carboniferous Volcanic Accumulation in the Eastern Junggar basin China Geological Survey
    5. Pujun Wang; Yulong Huang;Zhuwen Wang;Weihua Bian;Huafeng Tang;Youfeng Gao;Yan Zhang, 2014-2015 , Formation mechanism and distribution law of the volcanic oil and gas reservoirs in the Eastern Sag of Liaohe Basin PetroChina fund
    6. Pujun Wang; Youfeng Gao;Weihua Bian;Yuewu Sun;Huafeng Tang;Yan Zhang;Yulong Huang, 2012-2016 , Late Mesozoic Volcanic events and palaeoenvironment in Songliao Basin and its adjacent region 973 Project
    7. Pujun Wang;Huafeng Tang;Weihua Bian, 2011-2015 , South China Sea National Science and Technology Major Project
    8. Pujun Wang;Deyou Sun;Zhenyan Chen;Yulong Huang;Weihua Bian;Yan Zhang;Huafeng Tang;Youfeng Gao;Daqian Hu, 2009-2013 , Cotrolling factors and formation mechanism of the Meso-Cenozoic volcanic reservoirs, Eastern China 973 Project
    9. Pujun Wang; Huafeng Tang; Sun Xiaomeng;Wanzhu Liu;Rihui Chen;Changqing Zheng, 2008-2010 , Basemental structure and volcanic process in northern SCS and adjacent are National Science and Technology Major Project

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